
L'ancienne cathédrale Saint-Paul | Un aperçu historique

LondonVisite Cathédrale Saint PaulAncienne cathédrale Saint-Paul

Built atop Ludgate Hill centuries ago, was the Old St Paul’s Cathedral. It was the fourth church constructed on this site until the Great Fire of London in 1666 destroyed most of it. Here’s a detailed guide on the history of the Old St. Paul’s Cathedral, its significance, and what led to the construction of the current cathedral. 

About the Old St Paul’s Cathedral

the old st paul's cathedral

History of the Old St Paul’s Cathedral explained

604 AD: Construction of the first St Paul's Cathedral

In 604 AD, King Erkenwald commissioned the inaugural St Paul's Cathedral, a modest wooden edifice tragically consumed by fire. Despite its humble origins, this was nonetheless important, encouraging successive iterations across centuries of the cathedral on the same site.

962: Construction of the second church

In 962, a second incarnation of St Paul's Cathedral arose, yet it succumbed to destruction by Viking incursions, during the tumultuous era of early medieval England. Such trials tested the resilience of the builders, persistently rebuilding despite recurrent challenges.

1087: Construction of the third church

In 1087, Bishop Maurice commissioned the third St Paul's Cathedral, a structure that would stand for almost six centuries. As an emblem of grandeur and spiritual importance, it became an iconic fixture in London's skyline and a focal point for religious and civic affairs. 

1135: Delay in the construction

In 1135, the construction of the third St Paul's Cathedral was briefly halted when a fire erupted. This event is just one of the many challenges of monumental construction projects faced by medieval craftsmen. Despite the setback, the cathedral was eventually completed. 

1240: Consecration of the third cathedral

In 1240, the third St Paul's Cathedral was formally sanctified. This Gothic edifice quickly became a hub for public activities and commerce due to its strategic location and design. Its consecration further affirmed its status as a religious and cultural institution.

1561: Destruction of the church spires

In 1561, tragedy befell the third St Paul's Cathedral when a lightning strike destroyed its spire, a major part of its architecture. Additionally, economic challenges during a trade depression stopped efforts to rebuild the spire, leaving the cathedral without this feature for over a century. 

1630s: Addition of the west front

During the 1630s, architect Inigo Jones began the expansion of St Paul's Cathedral with a west front, elevating its grandeur. However, the start of the English Civil War unexpectedly stopped repair and renovation work, leaving the cathedral partially completed.

1666: The Great Fire of London

Following the Great Fire, extensive damage befell the third St Paul's Cathedral. This is what triggered the commission of the present-day St Paul's Cathedral. Under the direction of Sir Christopher Wren, the new cathedral emerged as a pinnacle of English Baroque architecture.

The interiors of the Old St Paul’s Cathedral

the old st paul's cathedral

Book your St Paul's Cathedral tickets

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Combo (Réduction de 5 %) : Billets Cathédrale Saint-Paul + Tour de Londres
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Combo (Réduction de 5 %) : Billets d'entrée pour l'Abbaye de Westminster + Cathédrale Saint-Paul
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St Paul’s Cathedral today

st paul's cathedral tickets

Frequently Asked Questions about the Old St Paul's Cathedral

Can I see the Old St Paul's Cathedral?

The building that stands in the place of Old St Paul's Cathedral no longer has the same design. However, a model of it is available at the Museum of London. You can still visit the current St Paul's Cathedral building and marvel at its beautiful architecture while you imagine the magnificence of the spire that no longer exists.

What events or activities took place at the Old St Paul's Cathedral?

Aside from religious services, the Old St Paul's Cathedral hosted markets, fairs, and even theatrical performances.

What was the fate of the Old St Paul's Cathedral during the English Reformation?

The Old St Paul's Cathedral was stripped of its Catholic decorations and artifacts during the English Reformation.

How does the architecture of the Old St Paul’s Cathedral compare to the current St Paul’s Cathedral?

The Old St Paul’s Cathedral was primarily Gothic in style, with towering spires and large stained glass windows, whereas the current St Paul’s Cathedral, designed by Sir Christopher Wren, is a masterpiece of English Baroque architecture with its iconic dome and classical features.